
Showing posts from 2014

What Should You Do?

Introvert or Extrovert? It's very general while you said someone is introvert or extrovert. But what IF you are introvert person, and what IF you are extrovert but you keep a lot of pain in your deep deep heart? You can do several things such as write down a blog like me or chat with your best friend, best sister or best brother. It was very refreshing while you can put all your mind in the blog. I don't care how many person who read this post, or how many person will give you a negative feed back, but WHO'S CARES? THIS IS YOUR LIFE! Don't give a fuck to someone who judge you just because you write a blog to refresh your own mind. I am not really good at socialize, but I can make a friends, I can be a very fake up in front of you guys, cherish, happy girl without any problems. But still I am just a human who had a lot of trouble in my life, what supposed I do while I can't talk with anyone, what I should do while no one can feel what I feel? I AM BLOGGING. I...

Guru Is Coming To Town

Have you ever heard about book "Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya"? or maybe "Super Mindfulness"? or "Don't Worry, Be Hopey"? If not, you have to run to the nearest book store and find out what is the book about. This is not about the words or advertising, but you will amaze once you read the book. Not because the price nor the thickness of the book, but because of the meaning of the book. Every story in the book has a deep meaning of life. He can bring a smile in our face with His words. For me, some stories make me realize about the meaning of life, bring back my enlightened, Buddha in my body awakened little by little and I just feel happy. Who is He? Is He Buddha? Is He God? Nope. He is Ajahn Brahm, the student of Ajahn Chah. And He is coming to Indonesia for the second time to bring the happiness with His words in front of a million people. Well in Jakarta for 4.000 people only but however from 4.000 people who come to His show, they can sp...

Train by Your Self

Cewe dan cowo itu ternyata gak beda jauh kalo udah menyangkut dengan penampilan. Bedanya kalo cewe sibuk dengan diet-dietan dan olahraga untuk mengecilkan serta mengencangkan bagian-bagian tubuhnya, nah kalo cowo justru malah pengen membesarkan otot. Ada banyak cara untuk melakukan latihan pembentukan dan pengencangan tubuh, mulai dari OCD nya Corbuzier, nge-gym bareng temen, olahraga dimana gitu sampe menggunakan internet sebagai pelatih pribadi kita. WHAT?! Internet? Pelatih pribadi? Jangan heran. Sekarang ini banyak website dan aplikasi yang membantu banget dalam melatih tubuh kita. Misalnya Sworkout, Freeletics, Freetrainers dsb dsb. Aplikasi-aplikasi ini ngebantu untuk membuat step by step latihan yang diperlukan sesuai dengan otot yang mau kita latih dan yang asiknya lagi latihan yang dikasih tuh ga perlu menggunakan alat alias street training. Sworkout salah satu aplikasi yang ada di google play ini bisa ngasi penjelasan latihan macam apa aja yang bisa kita lakukan. ...

Chatter Box

This time I want to share my experience had dinner at Chatter Box, Setiabudi One Building. After a long long time working hours, I went to Setiabudi One building to meet my colleague, well she was in the middle of pedicure at that time and I had to wait for her finish her pedicure. After all, we were going to have our late dinner, speaking of what she said that Chatter Box is quite good for it's Hainam Rice so we head to Chatter Box. Took our sit and we see the promotion "Two Hainam Rice free Rojak Chatter Box" without hesitate, we ordered those foods and two kind of drinks. Hainam Rice was good with the chicken and kailan vegetable and also the soup and the chili. If I have another time, I will definitely go there for once more. Anyone wants to join me?