Baby Oil for My Make Up Remover

Who don't know baby oil. Most of us use this oil when we were a baby. Well, our parents usually put it as a lotion because this oil will not harm the baby's sensitive skin and keep it hydrate. Since last year I used this oil as my make up remover. Yes MAKE UP REMOVER. It works well especially for the eye area where I usually put the eyeliner in my daily.
Everyday I used it until 2/3 months ago I feel my upper eyelashes tickling my eye. I try to use the eyelashes curler to check it and I just realize that my eyelashes is getting longer. It used to be short, like very short the curler can't pinch every single of my eyelashes, like there is no eyelashes in my eye at all but now I have it.
I tried to put some mascara and the next thing I saw was myself in the picture with a beautiful natural eyelashes. Cool .
I will still use baby oil for my make up remover from now on, beside the price is affordable, the result make me happy. Long healthy eyelashes .


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