
My Wedding Story

Yes! I'm a married woman now. 29 Februari  2020 adalah hari bersejarah buatku, pasangan dan keluarga besar. Tanggal kabisat yang muncul 4 tahun sekali, jatuh pada hari Sabtu sangat sempurna karena banyak sanak saudara dari luar kota, memberikan mereka waktu istirahat setelah menghadiri pernikahan kami. Segala macam persiapan kami siapkan sendiri dari mulai mencari vendor-vendor pernikahan, meeting, dealing sampai hari H juga semua dilakukan sendiri. Kami memutuskan untuk membuat private wedding yang mengundang keluarga besar dan teman-teman terdekat saja. Temanya berbeda dengan pernikahan pada umumnya, menu prasmanan dengan menu pinggiran (stall) tersedia di area resepsi, 5 meja bundar besar tersedia untuk para tamu yang memerlukan tempat duduk, pengantin dan orangtua pengantin TIDAK dipajang di atas pelaminan. Yeeessss aku tidak mau dipajang dipelaminan dan menunggu tamu datang dan bersalaman, I took the ball and I play it. Kami memutuskan kami yang akan mingle dengan tamu sepanja...

Baby Oil for My Make Up Remover

Who don't know baby oil. Most of us use this oil when we were a baby. Well, our parents usually put it as a lotion because this oil will not harm the baby's sensitive skin and keep it hydrate. Since last year I used this oil as my make up remover. Yes MAKE UP REMOVER. It works well especially for the eye area where I usually put the eyeliner in my daily. Everyday I used it until 2/3 months ago I feel my upper eyelashes  tickling my eye. I try to use the eyelashes curler to check it and I just realize that my eyelashes is getting longer. It used to be short, like very short the curler can't pinch every single of my eyelashes, like there is no eyelashes in my eye at all but now I have it. I tried to put some mascara and the next thing I saw was myself in the picture with a beautiful natural eyelashes. Cool . I will still use baby oil for my make up remover from now on, beside the price is affordable, the result make me happy. Long healthy eyelashes .

Helping People same as Helping Yourself

Today I feel like really useful to the human being. Other than helping my colleagues who sick and can't come to work so my workload become double, I helped a totally stranger in the train station. The story starts from the boarding pass that did not come out from the machine, the paper is empty and I CAN'T reprinted in the another machine. A bit nervous and panic because 1) I still did not get my boarding pass 2) what if other people experience it too,, but then I decide to go to the security and told him that the paper is empty. When I point out the machine, a man was trying to put the code booking, late to shout then he experienced what I did. We went to customer service and found that both of them still with the customer. After they know that we came to get our boarding pass, one of them directly assist us. When I want to leave that place, a woman with a dark skin and short hair stopped me and ask if she could buy the train ticket in here. I told her that she needs to go t...

The Art of Human

We are too often look down on our gadget. We forgot to look around ourselves. A lot of interesting thing to look at, including human. I used to look at strangers silently, only to see especially their expression: sad, angry, confused, disappointed, joy, hapoy, etc. And amazinglt it is one of my favorite thing. To see others happy because of a good thing. Graduations, engagement, won a lottery, married, new baby born, and can you imagine if their happiness is because of you? You create a moment for them to be happy. Doesn't have to special one, just an ordinary thing like greeting with smile, care, attentive, sympathy with a genuine heart, and you can see the differences. When people gather together and they focus on their phone I feel pity them, and then I experience the same thing and I feel stupid. When you are with someone, please focus on them, talk with them, chat with them, share what you see in your gadget with them, give the attention to them, it's a special moment t...

Teknologi 2018

" I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots " - Albert Einstein Hari ini, saya berpikir banyak mengenai teknologi yang kita gunakan sehari-hari, lalu saya teringat akan suatu quotes yang pernah saya baca. Quotes ini diucapkan oleh salah seorang jenius pada jamannya, Albert Einstein, manusia yang dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena dianggap tidak dapat mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik, yang pada kenyataannya ia adalah manusia yang diberikan kelebihan oleh alam di bidang Fisika. Beliau meninggal pada tahun 1955, namun beberapa quotes yang pernah diucapkannya masih terdengar sampai sekarang. Ada beberapa yang mengatakan bahwa Albert Einstein meramalkan apa yang terjadi pada dunia teknologi di masa depan, masa dimana saat ini kita hidup. Teknologi pada saat ini sangatlah memudahkan kehidupan kita, telepon genggam yang bisa dibawa kemana saja, jam tangan yang bisa memonitor detak jantung dan total langkah kita sel...

J - A - P - A - N

I always want to go to Japan! Ketertarikan akan Jepang tidak datang secara tiba-tiba, sebenarnya hasrat itu sudah dipupuk sejak kecil, dimulai ketika saya suka menonton anime Sailor-moon dan Dragon Ball, berlanjut dengan membaca manga ketika SD dan SMP. Kegiatan paling menarik adalah ketika diajak oleh mama dan papa ke Gramedia, dan kami (3 bersaudara) diperbolehkan membeli buku yang kami inginkan, yang tentunya saya manfaatkan untuk membeli manga. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, saya menggunakan uang tabungan untuk membeli manga yang saya inginkan, lalu kesadaran itu pun datang "sayang sekali uang ini dihabiskan untuk membeli manga terus menerus, mari kita gunakan kecanggihan teknologi untuk membaca manga" dan sejak itu saya tidak lagi membeli manga namun membaca online secara gratis. Cerita di dalam manga kebanyakan adalah imajinasi dari penulis, di beberapa cerita saya menemukan keindahan yang mereka tampilkan dalam bentuk gambar hitam putih (dan terkadang berwarna),...

Blood Donation

It has been a long time I haven't write on this blog. Today, I experience something very spectacular and would like to share, well let's say that I would like to remember this moment so in the future when I read this blog I can remember what is this about. Today, at my workplace, we have a blood donation event. My last blood donation is on 14 March 2017 at Bandung, I like to do this because I know every blood drop can help people who need it. The team was coming late, should be started at 11 but postpone to 11.30 am. I did the registration, check the hemoglobin and blood tension and then it's my turn to give my blood. Nothing special from the process except the person in charge who took my blood is not as friendly as usual, she was a bit in rush and harsh. Well, I don't mind to feel pain a bit though. The thing is, after completing a 350 cc of blood donation, she gave me a band-aid and I woke up, walk away from the room and I felt something drop in my left arm, whe...